In the heart of ANAS brand lies one core idea: that we are all ONE. Our connection with each other and nature cannot be doubted. And for this reason, we should treat ourselves, our bodies and nature as ONE. ANAS products are a premium, innovative, and spiritual care system that takes care of you and nature as ONE.
We are born with the inherent ability to be healthy, vibrant, and beautiful with the Earth being our balancing force. Somehow in the course of our lives, this ability is forgotten. Some of us even live cluttered, stressful lives, separated from our core. ANAS brand aims to rebalance us and reunite us with the Earth through the use of its Crystals, which can give us all the energy and life force we have lost and need.
We tap into the beauty and scientific properties of Crystals to create innovative Skincare Science that everybody can experience, any day, any time. Our formula combines Crystal minerals that rebalance the skin at a cellular level with other exclusively natural ingredients that have the ability to bring balance and clarity into our lives.

Our values are the essence of ANAS Crystal care and go far beyond the ingredients in the production of our cosmetic line.

ANAS respects the environment and mother earth – We not only use natural ingredients and processes in the production, but also give something back to nature by donating 7% of our profits to charitable causes through trustworthy NGOs. We welcome Mother Earth and her gifts and reject all harmful chemicals, contaminants and preservatives.
We are committed to people and the earth so we never compromise on quality. It is part of our work culture and is practiced with a strict code of honor that is the driving force behind everything we do – from the ingredients and formulas to the manufacturing process.
Body, Mind and Soal – The 3 parts that make up our being. Addressing only one or two aspects can lead to an imbalance. For this reason, our products offer a holistic and balanced approach to skin care. United by nature we are making innovative products backed up by science.